0080 2385 (30)
Shepparton Villages

Tarcoola Village

Set amidst manicured gardens and grounds, and a short walk the Goulburn River in Shepparton.

Tarcoola Village comprises:

  • Maculata Place residential care home
  • 77 independent living units

Maculata Place, our community home

Maculata Place is located minutes from the Goulburn Valley Public Hospital and Shepparton Private Hospital, the main shopping area and services.

Two-storey state-of-the-art residential care home featuring magnificent gardens and outdoor areas, plus four internal courtyards, providing ample choice for resident activities and outdoor living.

The facility was built to complement the new model of care at Shepparton Villages, centered on resident choice.

Commonwealth Government star rating information link: https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/Maculata Place



120 residential beds

77 independent living units

20-bed high-care residential unit

Leisure rooms

Aged friendly phones

Vegetable gardens

Private room doorbells

Visitor carpark



Doctor suites

Wi-fi access

Unlimited phone calls



Laundry availability

Maculata offers

The entry plaza is complete with hairdressing salon, gym, and doctor consulting suites.

Dining rooms have been designed as cafés and home-style kitchens for resident and family use.

The magnificent gardens and outdoor areas, and four internal courtyards provide plenty of choice for resident activities and outdoor living.

Maculata Place has been built to complement Shepparton Villages’ model of care that is centred around resident choice.

Corridors have been named as streets that lead to resident homes – their rooms – each with a letter box, and doorbell for privacy.

How to find us

9 Batman Avenue,
Shepparton VIC 3632

03 5832 0800